His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#115 The Truth about Sex Trafficking

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 115

We know that sex trafficking is a growing problem around the world, but there are so many facets that we don't understand about it. Emily Karc, founder of a non-profit, Learning to Live Beloved gives us deeper insights into the roots behind women who are sex trafficked. She is also the author of Dear Mama, a devotional for the weary mama's heart.

Emily struggled with several unhealthy relationships with men, but through this, she began to explore the root of why she kept choosing harmful relationships. God healed the shame in her heart and the feelings of being unloved, not good enough, and unworthy. Through a coach, she was helped to see where her shame began, and how to accept God's forgiveness. Through soul care, inner healing, and speaking the truth to dispel the lies brought her freedom. Bondage and soul ties were broken. She was drawn to reach out to other women who live in bondage to shame. A common thread of women who have been sex trafficked is shame, rejection, and heartbreak, thus, she felt a calling to reach out to these women.

Through her ministry, she helps the women see there is hope and forgiveness. She encourages them to let go of the shame and open their hearts to the depth of God's love. Most, if not all women who are sex trafficked did not choose this. Rather, the majority of the time, they have come from a childhood of being sexually abused. They then became very vulnerable and attract more abusive men. The traffickers often give them highly addictive drugs which puts them in a cycle of dependency to give sexual favors to pay for their drugs. Others are kidnapped at an early age and forced into the sex trade. It is hard for them to get free of their captors, and some feel so much shame that they don't feel they can return to their families. Some women get caught in the sex trade through social media.
 Emily's nonprofit Provides housing and counseling for the women so they can get out of this lifestyle. Another way to help reduce sex trafficking is by raising awareness in our schools and churches.

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Emily Karc's  Website
Live Beloved Website

 Emily's Book on Amazon: Dear Mama
Emily Karc' Instagram

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