His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#116 Never Too Old or Too Young to Try New Things

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 116

Dottie Small is a role model to all whom she knows. Her mindset is that you are never too old and it’s never too late to try new things and serve the Lord. In her 80’s, she looks 25 years younger and has the energy of a 50-year-old! At 82, she started a podcast, Thoughts to Ponder. She has been a blogger for years. The Lord spoke to her that there was more for her to do to reach people. Her heart is to advance the Kingdom and to encourage believers to understand what it means to be a new creation. 

When Dottie began to walk in the power of the Spirit, she saw great change in her life. The Spirit opened her understanding of the Bible. The Holy Spirit leads her as she writes her blogs and teaches on her podcast. Dottie encourages us to “stay in our lane.” Don’t try to do it all! Do one social media platform or one ministry at a time. Once you feel confident in that, then you can add another as God leads. 

We are never too young and never too old to serve God. Always have room in your life to help others in their faith and serve God no matter what your age. Run the race and throw off everything that hinders you so you can serve God and bring Him glory. Let our life align with the Word of God and hold on to Jesus. This will enable you to serve Him no matter if you are young or old. God enables us to do everything we are asked to do through His Spirit. God will bring people into your life to help you. Remind yourself that it is God who has a race for you, and He has plotted out the course. Thus, seek Him to see what path to take. And then depend on His wisdom and power to lead you. Dottie says, ‘We don’t retire, we just refire!” 

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Connect with Sue Corl's Instagram//Website

Dottie Small's Website
Dottie's Podcast: Thoughts to Ponder

Bible Verses in the show:
2 Timothy 1:6-7; Hebrews 12::1

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