His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#118 SOS for the Mom

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 118

Our guest, Mirella Acebo is an author, actress, producer, storyteller, in the television world,  mother, and life coach. Raised by a single-mom immigrant, she saw a mom who was a godly, hardworking example of how to walk with God. But she never saw an example of a family with a husband, father, and siblings. After getting married, having two young children, and losing her mother to cancer, she struggled emotionally. She began to read books about how to raise children but wasn't finding in them how to deal with her emotions like fear, anxiety, and worry. As she grew emotionally through her study of the women of the Bible, she wanted to write a book to help Moms manage their emotions: feelings of failure, overwhelm, impatience, abandonment, control, loneliness, worry, and suffering. She beautifully integrates these lessons with various stories of women in the Bible. Be encouraged through Mirella and Sue's discussion of various tips to help us navigate our challenging emotions as mothers.  

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Mirella Accebo's  Website

Mirella 's Book on Amazon: SOS for the Mom
Mirella's Instagram

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