His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#121 From Grief to Purpose

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 121

Grieving is such a difficult time, but our guest Darlene Larsen helps us learn how we can turn it from pain to purpose. Darlene is a grief and loss coach. She has personally been through so much grief from an abusive husband, divorce, and the death of several significant family members. Transitions also bring grief. It is so key to learn how to work through the grieving process and not get stuck. Darlene shares her struggles from a toxic relationship of emotional abuse. She gives us insight into how to get freedom from the lies and other bondage that resulted from the abuse. She shares how God's Word has brought freedom into her life. 

She helps us to see that grief takes time. But she encourages us to gain a support team to help us through the grief.  We all need people who will speak truth to us. Healing comes as we ask the questions: Why am I alive? What is my purpose? God can redeem our pain to then use it to help others.

Key verses: Ephesians 2:10

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Purchase Sue's Transformational Bible Studies and Devotionals on Amazon!
Sue Corl's books: Crown of Beauty Bible Study, Broken But Undefeated,
More Beautiful by the Day, For Such a Time as This,
More than Conquerors Men's Bible Study,  Crown of Bible Study Leader's Guide

Darlene's Website
Darlene's Book: Enable Me, Lord, to Shift

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