His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#123 Meditation in Christ

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 123

Our guest Rachael Lahela Marie Nayder is an author of the devotional book, Love Notes from Jesus, and a retreat facilitator. Her book can be found on Amazon under the author’s name, Rachael Marie. 

In a heavy, dark time of transition and isolation during COVID-19, Rachael reconnected with God. She was waking up with anxiety and depression and cried out to God, “If you are real, show yourself.” She already did yoga meditation, but it wasn’t with Jesus. But this time, Jesus flooded her with an overwhelming love and peace. Suddenly, she knew the voice and Presence was Jesus. She began to meditate with Jesus and every time His peace and Presence would fill her heart. 

For years, Rachael did yoga but that drew her into herself and an energy not from God. The similarity between yoga and meditation in Christ is they both allow stillness, focus, and listening. But rather than listening to only her body, she now listens to the Lord. She invites Jesus in! Now the Lord is the cornerstone of her life. She goes about living her life to help others know Him. Her focus is on loving God first, not self-love or outward things. 

At her retreats, Rachael takes everyone through the same steps she does in her meditation times. First, she spends time quietly in nature. Then, she gets her excess, “busy” energy out by moving her body. This is followed by sitting quietly and thinking about what is going on in her body and heart. She lets herself feel the emotions completely, even the negative energy, like anger or worry. But then, give all those emotions to God. The next step is to identify where in her body she is feeling the emotion. Oftentimes there is a disease or inflammation in that area. Ask the Lord to bring His energy of His love into the painful areas of your physical body or emotions. Let God fill you with His love and then share this healing energy of love with others. We are vehicles of God’s love on this planet.

Soak in Rachael’s meditation method and then go spend time with God discovering His peace that surpasses understanding! 

Bible Verses: Philippians 4:6-7; Ephesians 3:14-19

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Purchase Sue's Transformational Bible Studies and Devotionals on Amazon!
Sue Corl's books: Crown of Beauty Bible Study, Broken But Undefeated,

Rachael’s website: https://rachaellahelamarie.com/ 

Rachael's Book on Amazon link