His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#124 Unseen People

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 124

Join us today to hear my interview with author, DeAnna Sanders. She worked for ten years in Indonesia helping women who have been sex trafficked or abused. With an estimate of 40 million women and children being sex trafficked every year, we ought to begin to take notice. DeAnna has traveled around the world seeing the unseen people. Her goal now is to open our eyes through her writing of her experiences overseas. It is so easy to get caught up in our troubles, but DeAnna challenges us to open our eyes to people all around our neighborhoods and the world with great needs. We can make a difference through prayer, giving, mission trips, and helping people around us with tangible needs. There are people right in our neighborhoods with great needs, but who feel unseen and uncared for. Ask the Lord who He would like you "to see." Pray about how you can help. Small acts of love and giving can change a family's lives. 

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Purchase Sue's Transformational Bible Studies and Devotionals on Amazon!
Sue Corl's books: Crown of Beauty Bible Study, Broken But Undefeated,  

DeAnna's Book on Amazon link: Unseen People

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