His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#128 The Kingdom Divorce-Proof Coach

Crown of Beauty International Season 3 Episode 128

Too bad there is not a spray we can use to make us divorce-proof! Marriage is not easy and requires a lot of work. However, by God's grace and following some practical counsel, we can have a more joyful, harmonious, and joyful marriage. Veronica Sutherland calls herself the divorce-proof coach from Jamaica. Listen to today's podcast to hear five of her practical strategies to have a healthy and happy marriage. 

Veronica's marriage started out quite difficult. She realized that couples should NEVER think about or ponder divorce, but resolve to work through things and stay together.

Veronica's Five Principles of Marriage:
1. Put God first! Spend time with the Lord first. Make decisions, pray, and study the Word individually and with your spouse.

2. Forgive all hurts between each other. Also forgive all individuals, even from your past. 

3. See marriage as a lifelong covenant. Expect hills and valleys but persevere through them.  Don't rush into marriage. Give it time to see if you are compatible and how you do in different situations. 

4. Be comfortable with yourself. Do not go into a marriage with a false self. This is not your best. Be your authentic self. Get healing and freedom from lies. This will have a direct positive impact on your spouse and kids. Accept yourself and your spouse. Don't compare your spouse to others.
5. Love and respect each other. (See the last episode for more on this - Male and Female Differences). 

Bible Verses: Ephesians 6:12; 1 Corinthians 13: 5; Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 4:29

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Purchase Sue's Transformational Bible Studies and Devotionals on Amazon!
Sue Corl's best-selling books: Crown of Beauty Bible Study, Broken But Undefeated  

Veronica  V Sutherland's Website: https://www.veronicavsutherland.com
Veronica's Blog: https://www.veronicavsutherland.com/blog
(Her website has a great resource on the Five Biblical Principles for a Successful Marriage).
Veronica's Books: on marriage, prayer, walking with God

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