His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

#179 From Coma to a New Healthy Body

Crown of Beauty International

It can be difficult to be healthy. The best foods, supplements, and medicines can be extremely expensive, and we don't always have the time to maintain good habits. But what is the cost of neglecting one's health? Michelle Drew ended up in a medically induced coma after years of neglecting her own self-care. Doctors weren't convinced she would live, and if she did, she would likely have permanent brain damage. 

Miraculously, Michelle awakened from the coma three weeks later. The uphill battle of recovery was steep; she had to learn how to use her fine motor skills again and overcome dense brain fog. Today, she has made significant strides to enhance her health and take full advantage of this divine second chance. 

Refusal to rest and engage in healthy habits is abuse against oneself. God gifted us our bodies, and they are to be treated as sacred temples. If you have reached the point of physical, spiritual or emotional depletion, slow down, turn to the ultimate Healer (Jehovah Rapha) and take the necessary steps to nourish and revitalize yourself. 

You can learn more about naturopathic wellness at Michelle's website.

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Sue Corl's best-selling books: Crown of Beauty Bible Study, Broken But Undefeated